This backyard was the typical Fresno backyard with lawn and a flowerbed perimeter. The owners wanted to remove the lawn but weren’t sure what could be done in its place. During our first meeting, we determined that they wanted to add seating, a water feature, shade, drought tolerant plants, pots, and a pathway to access the large side yard. A raised composite deck was added off the rear patio, enlarging the amount of seating space. A pondless waterfall was incorporated near the raised deck where it could be seen and heard from many angles. A flagstone pathway leads from the raised deck and slowly meanders its way to the side yard. Scotch and Irish Moss are planted between the flagstone on the shaded side of the yard. A small patio cover was added at the master bedroom slider for shade. The T arbor adds an interesting architectural focal point that leads the eye through the space. Plant material includes Penstemon, Japanese Blood Grass (planted in pots to prevent spreading), Blue Fescue, Verbena, Dwarf Red Fountain Grass, Verbena, and annuals.